Belmont C of E
(Controlled) Primary School

Flourishing Together

01913 844178

The Links, Belmont, Durham, County Durham, DH1 2AG



Any parents considering making an application for their child to attend our school may arrange to visit by contacting the school office. Most parents visit during the Autumn Term before admission forms for YR pupils need to be returned to County Hall for places the following September. Applications for all year groups, whether for September entry or a midyear place must be made to The Admissions Team at County Hall in Durham - 

Please visit the Durham County Council website for information regarding the school admission process and primary school admissions. To appeal against an admission decision visit: School admissions-appeals.
In the event of over-subscription children are admitted in accordance with the County’s published admission criteria. In priority order the criteria are: –

(i) Children in public care
(ii) Medical reasons
(ii) Sibling links -siblings attending the school already
(iv) Distance of parental address from the school- walking distance.
(Where multiple birth siblings would be split they will be given priority over other children).

For more details or to obtain a copy of 'Parent's Guide to Primary School Admission in Durham' please contact:

Admissions and Transport Team