Belmont C of E (Controlled) Primary School

Flourishing Together

01913 844178

The Links, Belmont, Durham, County Durham, DH1 2AG


Attendance  and Absence

Further information about Attendance and Absence can be found here, including forms to apply for  Leave of Absence.

All parents of children of compulsory school age are under a legal duty to send their children to school regularly and risk prosecution if they fail in this duty.

It is expected that pupils will have attendance rates of at least 95% (5% is 10 school days in an academic year). Our school target is 96%. 


  • Medical: We are obliged by law to report all unauthorised or unexplained pupil absences, Therefore all absences must be accompanied by a written explanation or telephone call, as soon as possible.  Where a child needs to be absent from school to attend hospital or the dentist etc. please notify school in advance and inform us whether the taking of a school meal will be affected.  
  • Leave of Absence:  Parents who wish to apply for leave of absence for their child(ren) should complete the appropriate form, available below and from the school office.  All applications will be carefully considered on their merits and it should be noted that there is no entitlement to leave of absence from school. In exceptional circumstances the Head Teacher may grant authorised leave of absence.  Parents should note that national regulations were changed in September 2013 and it is no longer be possible to grant authorised absence for family holidays in term time. (See our booklet below: ‘Attendance Policy – A Guide for Parents’).

      Leave of Absence form

(ii)  Accidents/Illness in School:  In the event of an accident or illness whilst in school your child will be given immediate care and attention.  In an emergency, parents will be informed at once and for this reason you are asked to complete a contact form when children start our school giving a home/work telephone number and the name of a relative or friend who could be contacted if you are unavailable.  Please inform school of any changes in this information.  (No child will ever be sent home unescorted during school hours).